Thursday, October 25, 2007
Fumes of Friendship...
have hardest of times.
a call,a mail,a talk
can sink these ships
When friends are lost..
and ships sacrificed to storms
what's left behind are...
fumes of friendships
When the flame has lost it's glory
and times have all gone gory
what's left behind are not flames
but just fumes
They say,
fumes can make a phoenix..
fumes are all encompassing.
whose seen a phoenix
and who sees life in-passing
So,my friends,
fumes are all that are left
fumes of good memories
of great old times
of times more forgotten...
...than remembered
Fan these fumes...
into flames if you can,
Rest assured,
I won't be fanning them again......
Saturday, July 07, 2007
We Meet Again!!
People come,meet and move on
we wait,stick around & walk alone..
Going away is difficult,
Coz u will never meet again!!
if we meet again
that someone we missed a lot
the one who changed me a lot
what would really happen
would it really happen...
I would again be at same park
on same bench..
Thinking of the same day
of the last adieu...
What if...
infinite become finite
u walk into the light...
u walk out of my nightmares
into my dreams..
Written in a presentation.I wish there was some reason for which I wrote this poem but there is none.I think I am happy saying that:)
When I am free
Freedom was something we fough for as a nation
To be free we killed & got killed
We changed from martyrs to slaves
& slaves then became martyrs...
Looking at it all today,
for once I am free
I have time for myself
no responsibilities to my seniors,
no authority over my peers...
Enjoyment is a skill,
expressing it is a virtue
not all succeed at it
and most fail miserably at it...
To be busy,we all have plans
our seniors kill us for that
peers look to us for that
But when free,
who has a plan?
we are so engrossed in work
and life itself stops to work...
For us,
freedom is a reward for work
what if,
freedom is reward for freedom only.....!!??
Written on 5th July during a presentation.I was free for sometime so I tried to find a meaning about it all!!..What really is freedom these days??
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Meet Again
If time had one more stroke
to make with it's brush
What would it be like?
'Coz the colors you'll see from now on
Will be new,
maybe shades of some old memories
Maybe some party,or maybe a vacation
For years we were there
there but a bit rare
I think we meet as friends for last time
Next we meet,
it will not be a today or a tomorrow I see
it will be some thing,a future,
we are wanting to make for ourselves
If,everything goes as it should,
we will meet another time
Me,a different,improved persona
You,the best you are
best you will be ....
Written in the December of 2002,nearing end of MCA..can't say I liked those times...but dreams then became memories..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Pop a mail to me ...
Thinking of you...
Just plainly missing you
Although everyday we talk..
Just facing the screen
How I wish it was face to face...
Thanking you won't be a bad idea..
Except that the Thank you is short
but your memories are long..and oh so sweet
But still,I thank you
coz their's nothing else for me to say
if their's nothing else for you to do..
Do plz pop in a mail to me too:)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Happy New Year
A year just rushed by..
time just stole a war and flew by
A million thoughts just made an eternity
many an actions just welded a destiny
Last years beginning had new hopes,new resolutions
some got answered..others left unresolved
New year again comes forth as a circus of thoughts
a gymnastics of actions
bound to be filled with jokers and bloopers
crowded to brim with action,success and adventures
I know you will do your best
I know you will rise upto all occassions
I intend to meet u in the corridor or success
success which u define..
not which defines u..
There are no wishes from my side
just a resolute belief !!
Life is out there...
knocking..breaking it's knuckles knocking
Get going..get far..
let's race in a leisurly fashion
till the end of 2007
Have a Ballistic Super charged New year
a year worth remembering for many a New Years
Let it be a grand One !!
-Wrote this for all my friends and pals on 30th Dec 2006.May it be a great year for all and eternity