Saturday, July 07, 2007

We Meet Again!!

People come,meet and move on

 we wait,stick around & walk  alone..

Going away is difficult,

  Coz u will never meet again!!



if we meet again

 that someone we missed a lot

  the one who changed me a lot

   what would really happen

   would it really happen...


I would again be at same park

                         on same bench..

Thinking of the same day

   of the last adieu...

What if...

  infinite become finite

  u walk into the light...

u walk out of my nightmares

  into my dreams..


Written in a presentation.I wish there was some reason for which I wrote this poem but there is none.I think I am happy saying that:)

When I am free

Freedom was something we fough for as a nation

   To be free we killed & got killed

We changed from martyrs to slaves

   & slaves then became martyrs...


Looking at it all today,

  for once I am free

  I have time for myself

  no responsibilities to my seniors,

  no authority over my peers...



  Enjoyment is a skill,

 expressing it is a virtue

 not all succeed at it

and most fail miserably at it...


To be busy,we all have plans

  our seniors kill us for that

   peers look to us for that

But when free,

  who has a plan?

 we are so engrossed in work

   and life itself stops to work...


For us,

 freedom is a reward for work

 what if,

  freedom is reward for freedom only.....!!??


Written on 5th July during a presentation.I was free for sometime so I tried to find a meaning about it all!!..What really is freedom these days??