Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Gud Morning posts

U can count no. of people I have come across
whose paths somehow I happen to criss cross

U understand what some people feel around you
whose feelings mean a lot for you

U judge other's decisions based on unknown reasons
whose validity changes with changing seasons

U can claim to know many people in your life..
Claim that about yourself..
and you will know your life !!

Written on 31st May'2006

Sitting in my college hostel room..
I though of various paths on which life would zoom
Life seemed so reckless then..just a stairway to heaven
Just mug up some notes,do some research
and u would be top of the perch
with few speedbreakers on road to eternity

Infinite seconds,
countless people
countable places later
Life still seems to be reckless...
ethernity still persists..
road still exists
but has more frequent bumps
and less frequent speedbreakers

Enjoy the ride!!

Have a Great Day :)

Written on 30th May'2006

Champions become and falter
People rise and fall
Missions succeed and fail

Clouds rise and rain
Land is green and dries
Fire goes high and dies

Weekend comes and goes
Mondays come and go

But Monday fever stays forever entrenched :)

Have a Great Day :)

Written on 29th May'2006

There are hopes on which we base our judgements

and then ,
judgements on which we base our hopes

the whole mirage of life continues...

Till something comes along
and we look at the basis of our life
the base of all this strife
what we see is heart rending
as well as heart warming
Heart rending becoz
our judgments shattered many hopes
our hopes widened distance between many hearts

Heart warming becoz
our hopes created many paths
our judgements withered distance between many hearts

Hope today be that day for you !!

Look up your basis :)

Have a Great day

Written on 25th May'2006

Today I saw yesterday
standing with tomorrow
And I met myself..
walking behind my future self

I saw myself,
looking at things with wonder
which previously looked like blunder

I heard myself,
talking to people
who never cared to

I saw time,
and time smiled back..
said I cant come back-
- but you will see my shadow
in your future's window

I think,
I am looking at that window right now

Have a Great Day

Written on 24th May'2006

When I was a kid..
I looked at sunday with longing
and desire for fun & serials:)
When I went to college..
I looked at sunday
as a means to complete my courseware
When I went into job
I stopped looking at Sunday
Instead I saw Saturday
2 days of pure fun and relaxation

After just one time of no weekend..
I look back and remember...
all the joys I lost
all the movies I missed
all the sleep I lost

But Alas..
Monday is here...
And I have another weekend to plan for :)

Have a Great day:)

Written on 22nd May'2006

As the week races to end...
as the sun comes to descend
Go out,enjoy and frolic
have parties,watch some movies
But,remember those people..
who r fighting for our future

Give a thought to the nation
look back at it's vision
you look the week gone by
do look back at our rights mauled over by....

Have a great Weekend...
Written on 19th May'2006

A huge discussion has churned my thoughts..
why do we need reservation?
who deserves reservation?

I see esteemed leaders ploughing profits into their coffers
by hitting nails into our future's coffins

I see people who once were nobody
fighting as if today they are somebody

I see votes being cast
to put back reservation in it's cast

The ghost of Mandal has risen once again
this time it's not going back to return again
this time we end it here and when

no more political bludgeoning of our futures we will allow..
becoz no more in this country inequality we allow

Rise up people...
we have work to do

If leaders can't think for us
let's take them to the brink with us


Have a Motivating day :)

Written on 18th May'2006

Centuries ago...
we all were cells not intelligent enough to communicate with others..

Today also...
we are cells,have cells to communicate with others...

Quite a progress we have made !!
Have a thoughtful day

Written on 15th May'2006

All our world today thinks of is life on other worlds
Have we ever thought..
why no one's looking for us from other worlds

Maybe coz they've seen what life has begun to mean for us...
we are more self reliant...more centralized thus,
we are more advanced...more mechanized thus,
we are more logical...more detached thus

Maybe we are required to be more human..
more compassionate thus...

Let's be that...

Have a Great Day!! :)

Written on 15th May'2006

Why do we meet such people
Who just romp in and we are conquered
Why do such ppl clamber our attention
Who just come in and take our life
Why do we recognize all ppl but ones..
Who should be marked devil's advocate
Why can't we see beyond those smiles
Who these people really are
Where do they get all that charm
To nudge us into seas of storm
Where do they get all those aces
To defeat us Love All
Why and where are too many questions..
But there is just one answer
Find it today…
Have a great day !!

Written on 12th May'2006

To be honest to others..
is very easy because u can change
according to others perception

To be honest to oneself
is very difficult...because mostly u never know
what you percieve is of yourself

Try to find out !!
Have a Great Day

Written on 11th May'2006

I just had a walk through the clouds today
clouds which were blue once
they are all

I just swam through rains today
rains that were of water once
they are of

I just met some people today
people who were connected to others personally
they are connected to them

Let's be what we were a long time ago...
let's be more human once again...
And let's have a Great Day Today!!

Written on 10th May'2006

A look at the sea,
at all those waves running back and forth

It felt as if,
I am a rock star...
land is a big stage
and all those waves....
they are people
dancing back and forth
to the tunes I am creating

But fact is,
I am listening to the tunes of the sea
trust me,
they are far better than tunes of the land..
all those people,and vehicles !!

I would rather be here with the sea...

Okay now back to land...
and yeah!! back to work too !!

Have a Great day!!

Written on 9th May'2006

There is a story about a world which was lost to the sea
and then another about a world lost to the mind

I think our world will be the first which is still fighting a battle
a losing battle against our own heart and it's wishes

Let's win the battle
But First,
Start with a Funky Monday :)

Written on 8th May'2006

As I look back into those eyes..
I see a lot of know-how
but just an iota of experiece

As I look back into those eyes..
I see a lot of happiness
but just a hint of sadness

I look back again into those eyes..
I see a lot of pride
but just a dot of dissatisfaction

then I look back at the mirror
which shows all this in me..

And I ask myself,
what should I observe...
the small things in life
or, the bigger picture..

A question for all .....!!

Have a Great Day and a Zooming weekend :)

Written on 5th May'2006

As time goes on
Our interests seem to change
our habits get outmoded
our friends become memories

A lot changes in us
But for us,we stay permanent
Change does happen..
but it is in outer being
inside we are same

Stay the same,
Have a Great Day

Written on 3rd May'2006

Today in my dream
I saw tomorrow
I couldn't really recognize
it then I was told...
I possibly couldn't recognize it
because I am making it change today
Let's change tomorrow as told by others...
Let today be that Great day!!

Written on 2nd May'2006

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