Friday, September 08, 2006

Another Sight

When I saw again,
  I din't know what to do,
     except that I wanted to...
        to talk and be talked to

I wanted to go up and say hye
   but I din't,
  A lot of buts came up in the mind
    one was will I be talked to,
        or be swept away
    like that fog being swept away by the sun
    I gradually came to my senses,
      but still not there
So I came out of it all,& saw... one
It was a rude awakening from a dream
      or reality
   I can't say,I can't know
     It had all just glued together
       with my acuaintance gone...
         ...or maybe never there
          where I wanted her to be

Written August'02 based on an encounter at HM-sec 17 ;)

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