Sunday, September 10, 2006

A 'Mysterious' Friend

If it hadn’t been between friends
   I won’t have thought twice

After all,
   She came to my liking
   But of course she ignored me
 'was so rowdy,so dandy after all
  Like any one else of my kind.

   She never came close to me
  Closer than a casual bench partner

Any how,
   ‘shifted to another town
   Gosh I saw another girl
   She seemed almost like my lost love
   -a love which I had not shown

This time—
   I didn’t falter
   I showed my liking for her
  But never did once she looked at me
  Not even a gaze
     Not even an ounce of sympathy.

Countless times,
 I crossed her paths—
  -consciously or sub-consciously
  But she never gave her sole attention

Aha, but one time—
 A time I will never forget
 I some how met her alone at a fair
 ‘Somehow’ for her not for me.

I had just introduced myself
 Then came some one from my past
 Someone whom I never achieved to forget
 ‘coz I saw that face in every image of life

There she was—
    My first image of beauty
    Whom I’d come to like

But a dilemma I was, in deeply
Both I liked, latter equal to the former
It showed as beads of sweat, on my—
     --cool, calm shaven face.

I turned back to ‘show
    To ‘slowly’ recognize her
I looked in her eyes
    Transfixed in her beauty

Consciousless moments later,
    I suddenly turned back
    Remembering a little someone
  But she was not there—
  My second image of beauty was not there

I saw her,
    Going away with her other friends
With a mysterious smile on her face
And fingers crossed behind her back

I could never understand that smile
   Did it symbolize my meeting with my first lady
   Maybe as a gift from a mysterious friend—
 A friend who ‘knew’me.more than I knew her

This is my longest poem ever,written in August'1995.I observed some face expressions amongst a group of friends at a fair,the rest is this poem.It is a teensy bit confusing but I was just beginning at that time..someday will write again on this topic to see where I have reached since then ;)

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