Sunday, September 10, 2006

A 'Mysterious' Friend

If it hadn’t been between friends
   I won’t have thought twice

After all,
   She came to my liking
   But of course she ignored me
 'was so rowdy,so dandy after all
  Like any one else of my kind.

   She never came close to me
  Closer than a casual bench partner

Any how,
   ‘shifted to another town
   Gosh I saw another girl
   She seemed almost like my lost love
   -a love which I had not shown

This time—
   I didn’t falter
   I showed my liking for her
  But never did once she looked at me
  Not even a gaze
     Not even an ounce of sympathy.

Countless times,
 I crossed her paths—
  -consciously or sub-consciously
  But she never gave her sole attention

Aha, but one time—
 A time I will never forget
 I some how met her alone at a fair
 ‘Somehow’ for her not for me.

I had just introduced myself
 Then came some one from my past
 Someone whom I never achieved to forget
 ‘coz I saw that face in every image of life

There she was—
    My first image of beauty
    Whom I’d come to like

But a dilemma I was, in deeply
Both I liked, latter equal to the former
It showed as beads of sweat, on my—
     --cool, calm shaven face.

I turned back to ‘show
    To ‘slowly’ recognize her
I looked in her eyes
    Transfixed in her beauty

Consciousless moments later,
    I suddenly turned back
    Remembering a little someone
  But she was not there—
  My second image of beauty was not there

I saw her,
    Going away with her other friends
With a mysterious smile on her face
And fingers crossed behind her back

I could never understand that smile
   Did it symbolize my meeting with my first lady
   Maybe as a gift from a mysterious friend—
 A friend who ‘knew’me.more than I knew her

This is my longest poem ever,written in August'1995.I observed some face expressions amongst a group of friends at a fair,the rest is this poem.It is a teensy bit confusing but I was just beginning at that time..someday will write again on this topic to see where I have reached since then ;)

Time And Me

Time asked me
That what’s it gonna be
That u wanna live
Or just u wanna leave

Time came to me
Askin’, how much I will give
For what I wanted
And, for whom I wanted...

Time expressed its glee
That I felt so free
And will It wait for me
If I needed that to be

I talk to Time
Coz, time isn’t on anyone’s side

I listen to It’s tic-tock
Like It listens to my chit chat…
And I leave it to Time
To allow me decide…
What’s it gonna be…??

I always wanted to write a song,tried my hands through this...I don't know what it became

Did You Observe

When I am with u
  Did u observe that
     I don’t look into your eyes anymore

When I am away from u
Did u observe that
   I don’t call u at all the wrong times

When I am walking with u
Did u observe that
   I don’t walk too close and..
      …not so far away

When I am talking to u
Did u observe that
   I take time for all your simple queries

When u ask me what I’m hiding
Did u observe
   Your heart felt something my heart’s hiding.

Tell me
Did u ever observe
   I had fallen for u
    And am trying to rise out of it.

I looked at the question..why is called falling in love..and I came up with this answer..Written in June 2005

Same Heart

Oh how I wish I could write once more,
But the mind seems so empty
Just like my heart
No more risks it says
Even shattered pieces have limit
Can’t shatter’em any more

Too much happiness has no effect on me
I turn back to shadows,
Allowing nothing to light my way
Ask myself sometimes
This is not me…..
My brain’s the same
But the heart no longer skips a beat
It just keeps beating…..
That melancholic monotonous beat
Nothing seems to have happened
But everything did…
Someone says ‘the heart will go on’
Yes it does….oh it does

Want to move on
But come back to same old grounds
I hate the memories
And yet I live in them
Nothing else I guess to write

Well I put on the poetic cap after like 2 years or so..this came out..written in Oct 2004

Happy New Year

A year has come and gone
  Time we spent together has moved on and gone
  What is left are the memories
    Which will soon be forgotten

I wish there could be some changes made
  To the days I was not with you
   So that all my lone hours
     Would be forlorn and forgotten

What would be left is
  You…..your sweet smelling self
  And Me……my lucky self

Hope such a year will come again
  Where there will be wonderful changes
   And many superb surprises
     Which will improve our friendship

 So for you and me
   Let GOD make a wonderful year
     And for all the people around us
       A hope for the BETTER

Written 1999 year end,on a team mates' request..the chap needed something to spruce up his New year wishes to his Girlfriend..and I got a different topic :)

The Flight

Phantom's a real killer
      man how it dives
There goes my bogie
      i'm left alone now

    Smoke's curling up
       from that radio tower
     the superior will be happy

  ........but,oh no............
        've hit people
      but how can it be
      the snaps're so precise
  I can see the people dying ,crying
    that smoke's taking the form....
      .....form of a dog
        rearing up it's hungry face
          it's engulfing one & all
            taking in bones and skin
              all human...sometime ago

The teeth are shining....
     like the blaze at the mouth
             of the cannon
     it's whining .... if a thousand bombs struck
         Oh, the victims
so desolate ,so desperate

Wish I could do something
     but that dog,that war
        even 'm one of it's bloody teeth
 And who's baby is it
     is it me,is it the victims below

No,it's them
       behind cushy chairs,
         under huge bunkers
           they're the one's to blame
The bloodhound once unleashed is unstoppable
     except by it's own master
     but this one won't stop
       unless it's teeth are all red

     this tooth has fallen
Beware , listen my message
       'coz dying men don't lie

This was written around the time US invasion of Iraq happened.It's ab't a pilot who hits a target thinking it is some enemy base but then sees people dying coz of it..who is to blame..his last thoughts :(

Do They Think Like us

Zillions of times away,
    there is someone..
    ...who is looking at me
      as I do the same
I don't know whether they have come to us
             or not
But there is some link between us and them
    What is that link?
    I know...
     ...'coz I can feel it
       it's the greatest gift we've been given
         and maybe to them too's the gift of LIFE

But do they like us
     do they look like us
       Do they feel like us
     I don't know & I don't care
     'coz one thing is common among us
     the LIFE itself
     Since it's been given to us and them only
       so HE must have seen something common...
             .....among us
     Our paths will cross
        one day not someday
     When we meet,
         Then the history will start ...
             ...writing it's pages
         And we will be not spectators but

I love sci-fi inspired by that..written in Aug '02

Friday, September 08, 2006

Another Sight

When I saw again,
  I din't know what to do,
     except that I wanted to...
        to talk and be talked to

I wanted to go up and say hye
   but I din't,
  A lot of buts came up in the mind
    one was will I be talked to,
        or be swept away
    like that fog being swept away by the sun
    I gradually came to my senses,
      but still not there
So I came out of it all,& saw... one
It was a rude awakening from a dream
      or reality
   I can't say,I can't know
     It had all just glued together
       with my acuaintance gone...
         ...or maybe never there
          where I wanted her to be

Written August'02 based on an encounter at HM-sec 17 ;)

That Tootie Frootie Feeling

I'm hurt some place,
    some place deep
Which is unfathomable
    remorse maybe there

But how to express all this,
 Can I say it's a feeling
or maybe a premonition of...
 of something ab't to happen
Look all around I see faces
 but none I can call mine
coz mine is a MINE
 pardon me,not a goldmine
 but a coal mine from which even ... or sapphires might arise
  But that's rare,unlike some other people

See i'm floundering,can't even keep-
  -thoughts,my feelings at bay
that's why I'm calling it a tootie--
           --frootie feeling
     coz'it can be sweet and it can be sour
   But this feeling is in everyone
          who is insatiable
          who is mortal
          who is HUMAN

Written in 2001,a topic given to me by a roomie..

Away From Home

The word home is so securing,so enlivening
I know I would never like to be away
 I know there are many--
     -- who think the same way
     but end up being away
 They say u never know unless u try it out
 'm quite sure they 're right
  How one becomes so independent
   one never knows
   he has to have a seperate circle--
     --develop a comradree
   It has to be a home away from home
     but don't forget your parents
      without u it's no home for them
      'coz for them u are everything
      So when at home,cover up --
            --the gap
give them your 100%
      and see how they remain
         with u always

Written towards end of 2000 sitting in my hostel room at Thapar,Patiala

A Reason To Laff

How can there be a reason to laff
   've always thought laffing to be unreasonable
But wait a minute,me thinks there is one
  laffing brings that openess in u ..
..that which is always lacking
  Laffing attracts attention towards u..
..that which u are always craving for
  Laffing can take u into someone's heart..
..whom u have always wanted
  Laffing can take u overboard in a civil manner..
..that which u can't do even when u are drunk.
     ..or want to believe so

But most importantly,laffing is tax-free
  maybe the only positive thing which..
   ..deserves to be so
 SOOOOooo...laff away all your worries
          my dear friends
      and let a tension free life take over

Road To Success

  Whenever soft light glistens over
         wet hard roads
  Somehow I don't know why
         I feel as if it's questioning me
  Why I can't believe that--
         -life is hard like a road
          but it's the light in us
             which enlightens this road
  But how to explain this`light'
          can I call it my own possession
 Even that glistening light is possessed by
        a whole new environment
  Maybe this enlightening light inside me
      is tribute of goodwill to me
      surpassed by nothing new or old
  By the world around me,which has tested me
             time and again
  Satisfying itself that I can tread the countless roads
         to SUCCESS

written in 2000,while studying for CA Inter exams..oh cleared them btw:)


Wisps of wind are coming around
 wisking me to some other time
  Which has passed or will pass--
          --I don't know
  I see something,I hear something--
          --I can't say
   It comes again & again taking--
          -- my attention
   I'm so confused,I can't even write

  These winds are winds of some fragrance
        maybe a phantom of my mind
    but I sure do recognize them
    Funny I use the word 'recognize'
    'coz,I can't bring together that-
                   -that name,that face
    But these winds they will help

Written for no reason in 1999...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Oh Valentina

I never knew what valentine's is
pardon me ,I thought it was a --
--shakespeare's novel
Just today I came to know
it's a saint's name
& it's lover's day

I can 't say I am a lover
Can I ask you something--
--what is a 'lover'
the def.. confuses me
how come guys who have 6 girlfrs--
--can say they are true lovers
to each one of them
when all the time they are thinking.. to get rid of this gal

And talkin' of gals,
how come,their choice
has become so bad
how come they like such boys
who like to show off
don't they know--
-- they'll be feathers in ..
..already overstuffed hats
I bet,there are a no. of other guys--
--your 'secret admirers'--
--who dream of only you
can't u spare a thought for them now
or,maybe some time else

I know among you,the no. of V-cards --
-- is sign of rep,of being hep
you don't consider the feelings anything
It's ''just timepass''for you

So go ahead enjoy another V-day
But remember dear 'valentina'
this 'valentino' will..
... not send a card!!!!

I don't believe in Valentine's day..and this poem has the reasons for same.Written in Nov 1998

Living With Something

I've heard --
     -- everyone lives with a secret
Living with something ain't that strange
 believe me in the depths of mind --
  --there's always something lurking
something you wish to shy away from
 but it does not leave you
'coz the secret's you
  your identity is in the secret
  your mystique is the secret
  you take it or leave it
   that's for you to decide
     and other's to keep away from
     after all how many people can survive
    with their secret's exposed
     to be the gist of all talks--
      -- talks that are ab't you
       ab't your secret
        still there are people
        who are so selfish --
        just thinking they are so open
       ask them to come out just once--
         with their own secret
          and they'll run as if..
          ...they'd seen a scurried rat
           that rat they are themselves

Dedicated to all those people who feel it a sense of pride to poke into other's lives.Wrote it in Jan 1999

Eyes My Fathom

They say ocean is unfathomable
   Well so is the human mind
But not for me,
    for me eyes are the fathom
Judging anger and snear is my forte
  No one 've seen,who gets away --
   -without telling me something ab' t himself
Love is the easiest feeling to observe
  that longingness in the eyes
   that desire to get
    that upper lid movement
  so many expressions,one word ..
've talked to people thru there eyes
  without there even knowing
  I know more about them
   then they would like one to know
   If there's one thing I don't know
    It's a fathomless mind
     I know I can measure it roughly
     even to that person's inconvenience

Well sometimes eyes speak more than what you want to say..

Someone Somewhere

There has to be someone out there--
    - for everybody
I know there's someone for me
I din't believe in all this
  but somewhere along the way
   I felt it in my heart
the last time my heart broke
  the last time I cried
   the last time I felt sorry--
        -- for myself
'm just waiting for that signal!
        from UP there
    and when it comes I'll try anything
        to get her,my LOVE

Wrote this after watching Dil To Pagal Hai's punch lines inspired this one

Never Too Distant

It's never too distant to think about you
wish to come to you,to embrace you
but can't!! Why I don't know myself
It's good you know,to keep away so as--
-- to be near

You'll remain always in my heart
not in a corner,mind you but --
-- whole of it, 'coz you're my heart

As long as my heart beats,
a wish a desire will always stay there
the wish to see you in form
not in a snap,but in real

We'll definitely meet someday
but an alas!! for now!

Romantic lines from a romantic poet...:)

Keep Your Way

Some times,it happens
  you wish for something
   and you get it

But when it does not happen so
  your wish keeps away -
   -& slips away from you

Just for a second you are in it's shadow
  & that shadow becomes a mist
   before your very eyes & you're -
   -never going to achieve it

DON'T lose heart,just keep on your way
  and a Sun will rise when that mist turns
   into a fog which you can feel
   & then lo!there's your wish in form

One of those poems u never know u wrote till it has been written but I believe this one is to toiling hard and to inspiration

An Eternal Love Story

Here I was sitting in the park
on that same bench after a long time
thinking ab't someone,I'd met & courted there
People are moving here,there
seems as if my old times have returned-
-though as a shadow
Am I seeing things or what,
that's her!!

How come she's sitting there
It's been such a long time since -
since I saw her right here
Right there where I left her--
with tears brimming in her eyes
but,but she had..

I never expected her to be here
I am going to meet her,
to put words to the reality
I went straight thru her
as if moving thru a fog
!!SHE was not there

I sat down on that bench
from where she had been looking
looking as if stright thru me
And,then my eyes fell on ---
--something carved on the bench
"In death we shall meet again"
signed my girl's name

Truth fell upon me,like--
--like a white bolt of lightning
SHE had died waiting for me
who had not even cared for her
there then I died,to meet her--
--in the after life
Our pure form has intermingled
forever and for ever.....

Wrote this poem somewhere towards end of 2000 and till date my most favourite poem.Hope u like it :)


If I had been someone else--
I would have never known
The sheer joy of what I am,
what I could be

I have seen love scattered around me
by my loved ones,
I couldn't have asked for anything better
Only thing I want is--
to be SELFLESS..
like they have been selfless in serving me

Wrote this one in 1998

Friday, July 28, 2006

Gone are the days...............

Gone are the days...............

Gone are the days when our heart was beating in
our body
now it beats in someone's soul..

Gone are the days when games were played on the road
now we code on road on laptop.

Gone are the days when we stood to watch birds
now we see and hear them in mpeg files.

Gone are the days when we chatted up friends in parks
now we chat in rooms.....

Gone are the days when we were in college running for bus
now the company bus comes to pick us up

Gone are the days where we studied just to pass
now we study to surpass our job

Gone are the days where we had no money in our pockets
now we have the ATM and credit cards

Gone are the days where we shouted on the road
now we don't shout even at home

Gone are the days where we got lectures from all
now we give 'gyaan' to all

All has changed! Life has changed...
We are going to live the same for the coming years of life
It's better not to forget the past memories
remember & cherish them
Or still better, not to change at all.......................


A small gathering of people,no of friends
Friends who came close just recently
Friends who were there forever
How can you expect
--they will stay near forever
Some cant ,some wont.

Within me,
Is this burning question
Will we meet again??
Will we also turn into some waste paper,
A card,got long ago
A card ,priceless then,
Losing its value now..

Will we,
Turn around when we meet at some place Or,will we just go about our jobs...

Would guys think..
that gals will be hassled by them

Would gals think
That boys are flirting..

My reasons,
The multiplicity of characters,
Of shadows within personalities..

My fears,
Of our over-protective friends
And of over protective culture
Of distance between lives
Of paths within our life..

I am a bit confused right now,

I dont know ,
What would actually happen,
When all this really happens..

June Posts !!

Wheel of time churns on
wheels of vehicles swoosh along
thousands of us just ply on

In life we do have different roads
but on mettaled roads..
...we have the same directions

In world we have differing pains
but in corporate jungles...
...settles in same unsettling feelings

In mind,we have hopeless demands
but there on those malls...
...we pick and choose the same supplies

In heart we have ridiculous aspirations
but seated in those cinemas...
watching those movies
...our aspirations have same inspirations

We survive seperate lives
but we have same mediums LIVE through those lives

This weekend....
Live it up !!

Written on 23rd June'2006

We do have time for parties,
but do we have time for people
We do look with awe at our inspirations
but do we have time to look through them
We do forgive people,
but do we really forget them
We do have a blast in our present
but isnt present just turning into past

Future does beckon....
but do we really learn from our present

Do look up your present...
it lies somewhere between...
cobwebs of a tomorrow bygone
and the winds of tomorrow just around

Have a Great Day!!
Written on 22nd June'2006

Sounds of raindrops
falling on dark hard roads
seem like sounds of thousand cathedrals
falling on deaf ears

road still pitters-patters with sound
but our ears sleep away
all lost in their reverie

Wake up the sounds of nature
wake up to life beyond your stature

Wake up just this morning
and reciprocate back to nature

Written on 20th June'2006

When Clouds and Sun play hide-seek
I just look back and take a peek..
at clouds behind which hide memories
and Sun of wishes shining..
guiding me through these quagmires

Thanks for your wishes!!

Written on 13th June'2006
Me and time once went up the memory lane
I was amazed..
sometimes It walked slow
and then began to run

I requested..
why don't you stop
catch your breath

It contended..
to make you walk..
I have to run,
to make you stop..
I have to go slow.
If I stop..
You won't have any purpose
if I stall..
you won't have any meaning
While You fib over me
I worry over you

My talks with time will go on....
You have a Great Day and an Awesome Time Stopping Weekend :)

Written on 9th June'2006

Last night I dreamt once again...
after a long long time

past ,present future...
all collided together
what I saw was not ..a mix of colors
or a play around of shadows

It was the color white
purest form if one ever saw so bright

What I dreamt uptil now..
was all black..
as black as the color of night

Good Afternoon,Good Evening and Good Night ;-)

Written on 8th June'2006

What is the meaning of life

Thinkers spend time,
thinking about it
Rich people spend time at holy places,
learning about it

Influential people spend time being ambassadors,
working for it
Writers spend time being PHD,
theorizing about it

Fearful people spend whole life,
worrying about it

We the people ,What should we Do?
Just live it up
make life stand back and look us up!!

Another gala day...
live it up !!

Written on 6th June'2006

Walking aside a river
came across a sliver--
was on verge of joining waters

A year on,
It was still on that verge
awaiting waters to converge
to have itself submerged

It’s left it’s shore
paths so unsure

For us,
Our paths don’t need time
they converge,diverge all the time
We don’t need a river
don’t need to be a sliver

River outisde is not our momentum
For us inside is the momentum

Be that momentum…
This day ….this weekend

Have a Great Weekend !!

Written on 2nd June'2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Something special :) Sometimes !!

Sometimes I wonder...
who should be blamed
the one who changed
or the catalyst for the change

Sometimes I speak aloud...
who should be spoken against
the one who speaks too much
or the one who spoke nothing

Sometimes I look around..
who should be seen
the one whose eyes are looking away
or the one who kept eyes always on me

Sometimes I face two-faced twirps...
which face should I face
the face which helped others
or the face which now wants help coz it helped others

Sometimes I feel the thoughts...
which thought should I consider
the one which has hatred for me,
the one which wants something from me
or, one where for his good wants to manipulate me

Sometimes I see group of 'so-called' friends
who screw others
coz they want out that other...
coz they want to help their brother..

Sometimes I flounder...
in all that is to wonder
why people become so mutant
when all they should be is mature

Well Sometimes........
A Dense thought for hopefully a Simple day :)
Think about it !!
U might know someone like that around you ;-)

Written on 1st Aug'2006

My Gud Morning posts

U can count no. of people I have come across
whose paths somehow I happen to criss cross

U understand what some people feel around you
whose feelings mean a lot for you

U judge other's decisions based on unknown reasons
whose validity changes with changing seasons

U can claim to know many people in your life..
Claim that about yourself..
and you will know your life !!

Written on 31st May'2006

Sitting in my college hostel room..
I though of various paths on which life would zoom
Life seemed so reckless then..just a stairway to heaven
Just mug up some notes,do some research
and u would be top of the perch
with few speedbreakers on road to eternity

Infinite seconds,
countless people
countable places later
Life still seems to be reckless...
ethernity still persists..
road still exists
but has more frequent bumps
and less frequent speedbreakers

Enjoy the ride!!

Have a Great Day :)

Written on 30th May'2006

Champions become and falter
People rise and fall
Missions succeed and fail

Clouds rise and rain
Land is green and dries
Fire goes high and dies

Weekend comes and goes
Mondays come and go

But Monday fever stays forever entrenched :)

Have a Great Day :)

Written on 29th May'2006

There are hopes on which we base our judgements

and then ,
judgements on which we base our hopes

the whole mirage of life continues...

Till something comes along
and we look at the basis of our life
the base of all this strife
what we see is heart rending
as well as heart warming
Heart rending becoz
our judgments shattered many hopes
our hopes widened distance between many hearts

Heart warming becoz
our hopes created many paths
our judgements withered distance between many hearts

Hope today be that day for you !!

Look up your basis :)

Have a Great day

Written on 25th May'2006

Today I saw yesterday
standing with tomorrow
And I met myself..
walking behind my future self

I saw myself,
looking at things with wonder
which previously looked like blunder

I heard myself,
talking to people
who never cared to

I saw time,
and time smiled back..
said I cant come back-
- but you will see my shadow
in your future's window

I think,
I am looking at that window right now

Have a Great Day

Written on 24th May'2006

When I was a kid..
I looked at sunday with longing
and desire for fun & serials:)
When I went to college..
I looked at sunday
as a means to complete my courseware
When I went into job
I stopped looking at Sunday
Instead I saw Saturday
2 days of pure fun and relaxation

After just one time of no weekend..
I look back and remember...
all the joys I lost
all the movies I missed
all the sleep I lost

But Alas..
Monday is here...
And I have another weekend to plan for :)

Have a Great day:)

Written on 22nd May'2006

As the week races to end...
as the sun comes to descend
Go out,enjoy and frolic
have parties,watch some movies
But,remember those people..
who r fighting for our future

Give a thought to the nation
look back at it's vision
you look the week gone by
do look back at our rights mauled over by....

Have a great Weekend...
Written on 19th May'2006

A huge discussion has churned my thoughts..
why do we need reservation?
who deserves reservation?

I see esteemed leaders ploughing profits into their coffers
by hitting nails into our future's coffins

I see people who once were nobody
fighting as if today they are somebody

I see votes being cast
to put back reservation in it's cast

The ghost of Mandal has risen once again
this time it's not going back to return again
this time we end it here and when

no more political bludgeoning of our futures we will allow..
becoz no more in this country inequality we allow

Rise up people...
we have work to do

If leaders can't think for us
let's take them to the brink with us


Have a Motivating day :)

Written on 18th May'2006

Centuries ago...
we all were cells not intelligent enough to communicate with others..

Today also...
we are cells,have cells to communicate with others...

Quite a progress we have made !!
Have a thoughtful day

Written on 15th May'2006

All our world today thinks of is life on other worlds
Have we ever thought..
why no one's looking for us from other worlds

Maybe coz they've seen what life has begun to mean for us...
we are more self reliant...more centralized thus,
we are more advanced...more mechanized thus,
we are more logical...more detached thus

Maybe we are required to be more human..
more compassionate thus...

Let's be that...

Have a Great Day!! :)

Written on 15th May'2006

Why do we meet such people
Who just romp in and we are conquered
Why do such ppl clamber our attention
Who just come in and take our life
Why do we recognize all ppl but ones..
Who should be marked devil's advocate
Why can't we see beyond those smiles
Who these people really are
Where do they get all that charm
To nudge us into seas of storm
Where do they get all those aces
To defeat us Love All
Why and where are too many questions..
But there is just one answer
Find it today…
Have a great day !!

Written on 12th May'2006

To be honest to others..
is very easy because u can change
according to others perception

To be honest to oneself
is very difficult...because mostly u never know
what you percieve is of yourself

Try to find out !!
Have a Great Day

Written on 11th May'2006

I just had a walk through the clouds today
clouds which were blue once
they are all

I just swam through rains today
rains that were of water once
they are of

I just met some people today
people who were connected to others personally
they are connected to them

Let's be what we were a long time ago...
let's be more human once again...
And let's have a Great Day Today!!

Written on 10th May'2006

A look at the sea,
at all those waves running back and forth

It felt as if,
I am a rock star...
land is a big stage
and all those waves....
they are people
dancing back and forth
to the tunes I am creating

But fact is,
I am listening to the tunes of the sea
trust me,
they are far better than tunes of the land..
all those people,and vehicles !!

I would rather be here with the sea...

Okay now back to land...
and yeah!! back to work too !!

Have a Great day!!

Written on 9th May'2006

There is a story about a world which was lost to the sea
and then another about a world lost to the mind

I think our world will be the first which is still fighting a battle
a losing battle against our own heart and it's wishes

Let's win the battle
But First,
Start with a Funky Monday :)

Written on 8th May'2006

As I look back into those eyes..
I see a lot of know-how
but just an iota of experiece

As I look back into those eyes..
I see a lot of happiness
but just a hint of sadness

I look back again into those eyes..
I see a lot of pride
but just a dot of dissatisfaction

then I look back at the mirror
which shows all this in me..

And I ask myself,
what should I observe...
the small things in life
or, the bigger picture..

A question for all .....!!

Have a Great Day and a Zooming weekend :)

Written on 5th May'2006

As time goes on
Our interests seem to change
our habits get outmoded
our friends become memories

A lot changes in us
But for us,we stay permanent
Change does happen..
but it is in outer being
inside we are same

Stay the same,
Have a Great Day

Written on 3rd May'2006

Today in my dream
I saw tomorrow
I couldn't really recognize
it then I was told...
I possibly couldn't recognize it
because I am making it change today
Let's change tomorrow as told by others...
Let today be that Great day!!

Written on 2nd May'2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Me starting off

Hmmmm...starting off seems to be fun